Welcome to Automize

Welcome to Automize

AI solutions tailored to your business needs

AI solutions tailored to your business needs

Leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies into your workflow, driving efficiency, innovation, and growth.

Leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies into your workflow, driving efficiency, innovation, and growth.

Trusted by 300+ companies

Trusted by 300+ companies




Transform your business with AI

Transform your business with AI

Transform your business with AI

Workflow Automation

Streamline your business processes and boost productivity with our AI-powered workflow automation solutions.

GPT Development

Unlock the potential of advanced natural language processing with our GPT development services.

Generating Answer:

Our team of experts specializes in building custom GPT models tailored to your specific needs, whether it's text generation, language translation, or content summarization.

Write here…

Business Consulting

Gain strategic insights and actionable recommendations with our AI-powered business consulting services.



Strategy Development

Chart a course for success in the rapidly evolving digital landscape with our AI strategy development services.




Workflow Automation

Streamline your business processes and boost productivity with our AI-powered workflow automation solutions.

GPT Development

Unlock the potential of advanced natural language processing with our GPT development services.

Generating Answer:

Our team of experts specializes in building custom GPT models tailored to your specific needs, whether it's text generation, language translation, or content summarization.

Write here…

Business Consulting

Gain strategic insights and actionable recommendations with our AI-powered business consulting services.



Strategy Development

Chart a course for success in the rapidly evolving digital landscape with our AI strategy development services.




Workflow Automation

Streamline your business processes and boost productivity with our AI-powered workflow automation solutions.

GPT Development

Unlock the potential of advanced natural language processing with our GPT development services.

Generating Answer:

Our team of experts specializes in building custom GPT models tailored to your specific needs, whether it's text generation, language translation, or content summarization.

Write here…

Business Consulting

Gain strategic insights and actionable recommendations with our AI-powered business consulting services.



Strategy Development

Chart a course for success in the rapidly evolving digital landscape with our AI strategy development services.





Simple & efficient process



Choose a plan that fits your business needs, with options for scalability and customization.



Choose a plan that fits your business needs, with options for scalability and customization.



Our experts review your request and schedule a consultation to discuss your specific needs.



Our experts review your request and schedule a consultation to discuss your specific needs.



We deliver a solution tailored to your requirements with a clear and detailed timeline.



We deliver a solution tailored to your requirements with a clear and detailed timeline.



We improve and iterate based on performance monitoring and analysis.



We improve and iterate based on performance monitoring and analysis.


What we offer

Efficiency Improvement

Streamline your business operations and workflows with AI automation solutions.

Cost Reduction

Reduce operational costs by automating repetitive tasks and optimizing resource allocation.


Tailor AI automation solutions to your specific business needs and objectives.


Scale your operations seamlessly with AI automation that can adapt to your growing business needs.

Improved Accuracy

Increase accuracy and reduce errors in data processing and decision-making with AI-driven solutions.

Data Insights

Unlock valuable insights from your data, enabling data-driven decision-making and strategic planning.


Some of our work



Streamlining customer support


We examine how a company optimized its customer support processes using AI automation. By implementing an AI-powered chatbot, the company streamlined its customer interactions, reducing response times and enhancing user satisfaction.


High volume of customer inquiries leading to long response times and decreased customer satisfaction.


Implementing an AI-powered chatbot to handle common customer queries and provide real-time support.


Reduced response times by 50%, improved customer satisfaction scores by 30%, and freed up human agents to focus on more complex issues.



Streamlining customer support


We examine how a company optimized its customer support processes using AI automation. By implementing an AI-powered chatbot, the company streamlined its customer interactions, reducing response times and enhancing user satisfaction.


High volume of customer inquiries leading to long response times and decreased customer satisfaction.


Implementing an AI-powered chatbot to handle common customer queries and provide real-time support.


Reduced response times by 50%, improved customer satisfaction scores by 30%, and freed up human agents to focus on more complex issues.



Streamlining customer support


We examine how a company optimized its customer support processes using AI automation. By implementing an AI-powered chatbot, the company streamlined its customer interactions, reducing response times and enhancing user satisfaction.


High volume of customer inquiries leading to long response times and decreased customer satisfaction.


Implementing an AI-powered chatbot to handle common customer queries and provide real-time support.


Reduced response times by 50%, improved customer satisfaction scores by 30%, and freed up human agents to focus on more complex issues.



Automating Document Processing


This case study explores how a financial institution automated its document processing tasks using AI technology. By deploying an AI-driven system capable of extracting and analyzing data from various documents, the company was able to streamline its operations, reduce errors, and expedite decision-making processes.


Manual processing of loan applications leading to bottlenecks and delays in approvals.


Deploying an AI-driven document processing system to automatically extract and analyze key information from loan applications.


Decreased processing time by 75%, increased throughput by 50%, and reduced error rates by 80%.



Automating Document Processing


This case study explores how a financial institution automated its document processing tasks using AI technology. By deploying an AI-driven system capable of extracting and analyzing data from various documents, the company was able to streamline its operations, reduce errors, and expedite decision-making processes.


Manual processing of loan applications leading to bottlenecks and delays in approvals.


Deploying an AI-driven document processing system to automatically extract and analyze key information from loan applications.


Decreased processing time by 75%, increased throughput by 50%, and reduced error rates by 80%.



Automating Document Processing


This case study explores how a financial institution automated its document processing tasks using AI technology. By deploying an AI-driven system capable of extracting and analyzing data from various documents, the company was able to streamline its operations, reduce errors, and expedite decision-making processes.


Manual processing of loan applications leading to bottlenecks and delays in approvals.


Deploying an AI-driven document processing system to automatically extract and analyze key information from loan applications.


Decreased processing time by 75%, increased throughput by 50%, and reduced error rates by 80%.



Enhancing Marketing Personalization


We investigate how a retail company leveraged AI automation to enhance its marketing personalization efforts. By utilizing AI algorithms to analyze customer data and deliver personalized product recommendations and promotions, the company achieved higher engagement and conversion rates.


Limited personalization in marketing campaigns resulting in low engagement and conversion rates.


Utilizing AI algorithms to analyze customer data and deliver personalized product recommendations and promotions.


Increased click-through rates by 40%, doubled conversion rates, and boosted customer retention by 25%.



Enhancing Marketing Personalization


We investigate how a retail company leveraged AI automation to enhance its marketing personalization efforts. By utilizing AI algorithms to analyze customer data and deliver personalized product recommendations and promotions, the company achieved higher engagement and conversion rates.


Limited personalization in marketing campaigns resulting in low engagement and conversion rates.


Utilizing AI algorithms to analyze customer data and deliver personalized product recommendations and promotions.


Increased click-through rates by 40%, doubled conversion rates, and boosted customer retention by 25%.



Enhancing Marketing Personalization


We investigate how a retail company leveraged AI automation to enhance its marketing personalization efforts. By utilizing AI algorithms to analyze customer data and deliver personalized product recommendations and promotions, the company achieved higher engagement and conversion rates.


Limited personalization in marketing campaigns resulting in low engagement and conversion rates.


Utilizing AI algorithms to analyze customer data and deliver personalized product recommendations and promotions.


Increased click-through rates by 40%, doubled conversion rates, and boosted customer retention by 25%.




Our pricing options

Our pricing options

Our pricing options



Billed yearly

Pause or cancel anytime

What's included:

Full time developer

Complete setup and integration

Automated email & SMS

CRM build & automations

Monthly analytics report



Billed yearly

Pause or cancel anytime

What's included:

Full time developer

Complete setup and integration

Automated email & SMS

CRM build & automations

Monthly analytics report



Billed yearly

Pause or cancel anytime

What's included:

Full time developer

Complete setup and integration

Automated email & SMS

CRM build & automations

Monthly analytics report



Billed yearly

Pause or cancel anytime


What's included:

All Basic plan features

Full time project manager

Chatbot development

Business consulting

Bespoke strategy plan



Billed yearly

Pause or cancel anytime


What's included:

All Basic plan features

Full time project manager

Chatbot development

Business consulting

Bespoke strategy plan



Billed yearly

Pause or cancel anytime


What's included:

All Basic plan features

Full time project manager

Chatbot development

Business consulting

Bespoke strategy plan


Custom price

Contact for price

For those looking for a consultaion or a specific service.


Custom price

Contact for price

For those looking for a consultaion or a specific service.


Custom price

Contact for price

For those looking for a consultaion or a specific service.

Discovery call


30-minute call

A friendly chat, to know how we can help you before getting started.

Discovery call


30-minute call

A friendly chat, to know how we can help you before getting started.

Discovery call


30-minute call

A friendly chat, to know how we can help you before getting started.


Some of our Clients

  • John Smith

    CEO of XYZ Enterprises

    "Working with Automize has been a game-changer for our business. Their AI-powered solutions have transformed our workflows, saving us time and resources.

  • David Lee

    CFO of LMN Corporation

    "Their AI-driven document processing solution has streamlined our operations and improved accuracy. Their proactive approach and attention to detail have been instrumental in our success."

  • Sarah Thompson

    Operations Manager at DEF Logistics

    "The demand forecasting tool developed by Automize has been a game-changer for our supply chain management. It's incredibly accurate and has helped us optimize inventory levels and minimize stockouts.

  • Emily Johnson

    Marketing Director at ABC Inc

    "The AI chatbot implemented by Automize has revolutionized our customer support process. The team's professionalism and commitment to success have been remarkable."

  • John Smith

    CEO of XYZ Enterprises

    "Working with Automize has been a game-changer for our business. Their AI-powered solutions have transformed our workflows, saving us time and resources.

  • David Lee

    CFO of LMN Corporation

    "Their AI-driven document processing solution has streamlined our operations and improved accuracy. Their proactive approach and attention to detail have been instrumental in our success."

  • Sarah Thompson

    Operations Manager at DEF Logistics

    "The demand forecasting tool developed by Automize has been a game-changer for our supply chain management. It's incredibly accurate and has helped us optimize inventory levels and minimize stockouts.

  • Emily Johnson

    Marketing Director at ABC Inc

    "The AI chatbot implemented by Automize has revolutionized our customer support process. The team's professionalism and commitment to success have been remarkable."

  • John Smith

    CEO of XYZ Enterprises

    "Working with Automize has been a game-changer for our business. Their AI-powered solutions have transformed our workflows, saving us time and resources.

  • David Lee

    CFO of LMN Corporation

    "Their AI-driven document processing solution has streamlined our operations and improved accuracy. Their proactive approach and attention to detail have been instrumental in our success."

  • Sarah Thompson

    Operations Manager at DEF Logistics

    "The demand forecasting tool developed by Automize has been a game-changer for our supply chain management. It's incredibly accurate and has helped us optimize inventory levels and minimize stockouts.

  • Emily Johnson

    Marketing Director at ABC Inc

    "The AI chatbot implemented by Automize has revolutionized our customer support process. The team's professionalism and commitment to success have been remarkable."

About us

Who we are

Our story

Welcome to Automize, we are passionate about harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to revolutionize the way businesses operate. Founded on the belief that technology should empower organizations to achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively, we specialize in delivering cutting-edge AI automation solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients.

Meet our team

Our team is comprised of dedicated professionals who are passionate about leveraging artificial intelligence to drive innovation.


With over 15 years of experience in AI development and business strategy, Michael leads our team with vision and passion. His commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction drives our agency forward.

Michael Brown

CEO & Founder


With over 15 years of experience in AI development and business strategy, Michael leads our team with vision and passion. His commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction drives our agency forward.

Michael Brown

CEO & Founder


With over 15 years of experience in AI development and business strategy, Michael leads our team with vision and passion. His commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction drives our agency forward.

Michael Brown

CEO & Founder


James is a seasoned AI engineer with a deep understanding of machine learning algorithms and data science. Her technical expertise and leadership ensure the successful development and implementation of our AI solutions.

James Rodriguez

Chief Technology Officer


James is a seasoned AI engineer with a deep understanding of machine learning algorithms and data science. Her technical expertise and leadership ensure the successful development and implementation of our AI solutions.

James Rodriguez

Chief Technology Officer


James is a seasoned AI engineer with a deep understanding of machine learning algorithms and data science. Her technical expertise and leadership ensure the successful development and implementation of our AI solutions.

James Rodriguez

Chief Technology Officer


Emily is a skilled AI engineer with a knack for problem-solving and innovation. Her expertise in developing custom AI solutions enables us to meet the unique needs of each client and deliver tailored solutions that drive results.

Emily Wang

Lead AI Engineer


Emily is a skilled AI engineer with a knack for problem-solving and innovation. Her expertise in developing custom AI solutions enables us to meet the unique needs of each client and deliver tailored solutions that drive results.

Emily Wang

Lead AI Engineer


Emily is a skilled AI engineer with a knack for problem-solving and innovation. Her expertise in developing custom AI solutions enables us to meet the unique needs of each client and deliver tailored solutions that drive results.

Emily Wang

Lead AI Engineer


Jessica leads our marketing efforts, leveraging her creativity and strategic thinking to promote our brand and reach new audiences. Her passion for storytelling and communication helps us showcase the impact of our AI solutions.

Jessica Miller

Marketing Manager


Jessica leads our marketing efforts, leveraging her creativity and strategic thinking to promote our brand and reach new audiences. Her passion for storytelling and communication helps us showcase the impact of our AI solutions.

Jessica Miller

Marketing Manager


Jessica leads our marketing efforts, leveraging her creativity and strategic thinking to promote our brand and reach new audiences. Her passion for storytelling and communication helps us showcase the impact of our AI solutions.

Jessica Miller

Marketing Manager

Contact us

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Frequently asked questions

What industries can benefit from AI automation solutions?

How does AI automation differ from traditional automation methods?

What are some common use cases for AI automation?

How can AI automation improve business processes?

How secure are AI automation solutions?

What industries can benefit from AI automation solutions?

How does AI automation differ from traditional automation methods?

What are some common use cases for AI automation?

How can AI automation improve business processes?

How secure are AI automation solutions?

What industries can benefit from AI automation solutions?

How does AI automation differ from traditional automation methods?

What are some common use cases for AI automation?

How can AI automation improve business processes?

How secure are AI automation solutions?